Former BMW Employees Charged in BMW 1M Coupe Joyride

News now comes that the Los Angeles Country district attorney’s office has filed misdemeanor charges against the two former Pacific BMW employees for their actions. This stems from a joyride that the two men took in the not-yet-delivered BMW 1 Series M coupe down the residential streets of Glendale, CA.

A video of the ride (some of which can be seen below) was then posted by the men on YouTube.

According to the district attorney’s complaint filed against the two men – Vacheh Margoussian (21) and Artin Yazidjian (22), each faces misdeameanor charges for taking the 1M from the dealership. In addition, Margoussian was also charged with a misdemeanor reckless driving charge. As a passenger, Yazidjian videotaped Margoussian driving at a high rate of speed down East Windsor Road, according to the complaint.

The men are scheduled to be arraigned on December 12th in Los Angeles County Superior Court in Glendale.

The story has also been reporting on LA area news stations this Thanksgiving. See the NBC snippet below:

Original joyride video:

Speed District’s Matte Blue M3